Bermuda Municipal Elections 2023

Ordinary Municipal Elections for the Corporations of Hamilton and St. George’s will be held on May 11, 2023.
There will be a 7-day registration period for Municipal Residents and Business Ratepayers starting today. Registration will close at 5 p.m. on Thursday, April 6, 2023.
Business Ratepayers can check their registration details on our website at If the registration details are correct and there are no changes, no further action is needed. If changes need to be made to a current registration or you would like to register a new Business Ratepayer, registration forms are available at the Parliamentary Registry, located on the 3rd floor of Craig Appin House.
Municipal Residents can confirm their registration details on the Parliamentary Register either online or by coming to the Parliamentary Registry. If the registration details are correct no further action is needed. Any changes to municipal residents can be made using the change forms on our website.
All Municipal Election update will be available on the website at or by calling 293-VOTE.