Open/Closing Date
Executive Summary:

You are formally invited to submit a response to the tender for Balcony Repairs (concrete and metal work) and installation on new GRC soffits at the Sylvia Richardson Care Facility. It is the bidder’s responsibilities to read the entire tender and comply with all requirements herein.

The works will be carried out while the facility is operational.  Tenderers must submit fully completed form of tenders.  Tenderers are encouraged to visit the site of the said works.

This Invitation to Tender includes copies of the following;

  • Instructions to Tenderers
  • Tender Form  which includes the following appendices:

a)Certification of Confirmation of Non Collusion

b)Company Profile,

c)Addenda Acknowledgement form

  • Specification
  • Draft Contract

Access for the purpose of carrying out an inspection can be obtained by contacting the Environmental Co-coordinator of the Facility, Mr. Byron E McCallan via email at <> or via telephone on 298-8770.

Inspection is not mandatory; however, no claims in relation to want of knowledge will be entertained. All queries in relation to this tender must be confirmed by email to

Please complete and return the enclosed form of tender and related documents duly signed to the Tender Box of the Buildings Department of Public Works located at Prospect Maintenance Depot, 2 Aeolia Drive, Devonshire, DV05.  Late submissions will not be accepted.

All completed tenders must be returned in sealed envelopes, clearly marked and returned no later than 3:00 p.m. 13th July 2016