You must complete and submit an Application to Import Plant Material as the first step in the process of importing Christmas trees into Bermuda. All applications for Christmas trees must be received by the Plant Protection Library by the end of June so that preparations can be made for the overseas pre-inspection.
How to import Christmas trees to Bermuda
To import Christmas trees to Bermuda, you must submit:
- A completed Application to Import Plant Material
- A completedFile
- The shipping or container information provided to you by your exporter
- The original phytosanitary certificate (prior to the arrival of the tree shipment)
The Plant Protection Laboratory will review the application to ensure all documentation has been provided. At this time importers will be notified whether their supplier is an approved exporter to Bermuda. Importers may place their Christmas tree orders at this point.
Applications will not be processed if:
- All documentation is not provided
- The supplier is not approved for export to Bermuda
- Trees originate in a prohibited area
- All fees and costs associated with the importation and pre-inspection of Christmas trees have not been submitted as prescribed
Christmas trees are pre-inspected in the country of origin prior to harvest. Pre-inspections are presently conducted in Quebec and Vermont only due to pest distribution as well as manpower constraints.
must be completed and submitted to the Department of the Environment and Natural Resources after the pre-inspection but before the arrival of Christmas trees.
Imported Christmas trees must meet all conditions stipulated on the import permit. Upon arrival, the Christmas trees are inspected for compliance prior to release to the importer. The importer will be required to meet the Plant Protection Officers at the Hamilton Dock for this inspection. The importer must ensure compliance with Dock Security for entry onto the dock. The importer is responsible for all materials and personnel required to unload and reload inspected trees.
This process culminates with the stamping of the importers’ Bermuda Customs Declaration form, which is presented to Customs for processing.
Fees and charges
- Import permit: $26
- Disposal fee of contaminated plants and/or packaging: $50
- Cost of overseas pre-inspection: shared between importers