Today (January 24, 2023), the Department of Labour released its Working for Workers 2023 report, highlighting a year of successfully achieving many significant milestones that advanced employee and worker rights in Bermuda.
Throughout 2023, the Labour Relations Section, which became the Department of Labour and remained within the Ministry of Economy and Labour, was committed to improving employee and workers' rights and supporting local businesses.
Minister of Economy and Labour, the Hon Jason Hayward, JP, MP, said, "I take this opportunity to thank the team at the Department of Labour for their dedication toward strengthening worker's rights within the workplace, shaping the employment landscape to uphold international best practices and ensuring the right to decent work is at the forefront of advancement."
Among some of the accomplishments, in 2023, the Department of Labour published the Guide to Working in Bermuda, bringing greater awareness to the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers.
This was followed by the Guide to the Minimum Hourly Wage Rate, which provides an overview of the rights and obligations of employers and employees as it relates to the minimum hourly wage rate in Bermuda.
The Department was later involved in passing the Employment (Protection of Employee Tips and Other Gratuities) Amendment Act 2023 and the Tips and Other Gratuities Guidelines, which helped ensure the equitable distribution of tips and other gratuities to employees within industry sectors that commonly receive tips and other gratuities.
Minister Hayward continued, "In 2024, the Department will remain committed to supporting employees, workers, and employers to help improve Bermud'a labour market and strengthen our economy for the betterment of all."
The Working for Workers 2023 report (attached) is available online at the Department of Labour.